Return of Lost Love


The sun shone burning hot today,

Enough to melt my love away.

She held me tight as tight can be,

But in this heat I did not see,

That she was saying a sad goodbye,

And so I mistook that vibrant sigh.

It was for him and not for me,

But for a sailor on the sea.


My lover’s heart’s been shorn away,

But with my words will I sway,

Her wayward heart back to me,

Lost to a sailor on the sea?

A sailor bold with a mighty arms,

To hold what was mine within his charms.

I should have seen the signs so plain,

I fear I will never get her back again.


But hearts are hearts and contain,

Many loves which might explain,

Her wistful smile which wears regret,

That I might get her back yet.

Hearts can the light fantastic trip,

And none more easy when on a ship.

But home is where the heart resides,

And I know she will stay by my side.