I wondered where she was hiding. I searched the house, looked under her bed, and there she was curled in a ball. How can a girl curl up so small. She uncoiled and took my hand and rested it upon her breast ---- and shortly we were in the bed!


The sun shone on the apple tree, its luscious fruit was hanging low, She asked me to pick one; was she a temptress I wondered as plucked the forbidden fruit? I gave give it to her with anticipation. She said it is for her poor old mother! Hope she chokes!


I heard the fighter plane approaching low. I ducked down low to save me from the screaming lead. I felt no pain, just surprise, might I be dead? But no, I awoke in a hospital bed. I loved the nurse who tended me so, but she went of with another!


Kathleen was a lovely girl. She stood by me when all was lost to narcotic dreams. It was a truly delightful thing to slip into a swirling reverie, and see enlightenment all around. However the devil had me in its grip. But Kathleen was the good friend that freed me.


One day the milkman left two bottles of milk instead of one. He whistled as he worked, ‘Run after me, oh my love how I miss you.’ How could I resist such temptation, so I ran after him. He looked back and smiled, for I was still in my nightie!


As the moon came out we set off. We fell into the duck pond, and coming out our local bobby shone his light on us. ‘Ello, ello,’ he said, ‘ What have we here?’ ‘We are the forward landing party,’ I said. ‘Uhm,’ he muttered, and cycled off.(In a hurry).


The piano player strung out a tune for Lenny. He lit a fag and started to croon, then all the people left the room. He coughed and nearly choked, but hung onto the mike and sang to the end. The piano player said, ’I see you are a solo performer!’


‘Will you wash the dishes?’ she cried out as she left. I felt they were unimportant at the time. But when she never came back, I realised it was a mistake to leave them in the sink. What will my new love think. ‘Do wash the dishes,’ she cried out.


It came as surprise when I opened the door and saw that it was my mother! She a had been dead for twenty years, and looked it! Was this the monkey’s paw or not. I stepped back in amazement. Fear not she said, ‘You died yesterday!’ Wow, nobody told me!


The sun shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone and shone-----47 times-----I got burned! = 50


This apparently is a Japanese passion - have a go, its good fun of an evening.