God's Creation


Chapter Four


God the Cosmic force was effectively asleep whilst all this was going on. In a way he had lost interest, really there was nothing doing, the universe kept going round and kind of expanding at the same time, this was more to maintain its equilibrium more than anything else everything was OK, so to speak.


He might not have rested so easy if he knew what was going on what was now a fully formed planet, life was beavering away on its own and some funny things were happening. It was not a hospitable place and there had been several cataclysmic events that had ripped it apart and put itself back together so that life had to start all over again.


The fish had remained more or less fish but those that had escaped to the vapour regions had gone through several stages so that there were unbelievable forms roaming the planet, in the air, which we must now call the vapour stage, and on the land. The complexity of the live structures was incredible, beyond description and comprehension.


Two things were astonishing in themselves; they could reproduce themselves from their own seed, and they had a limited capability of repairing themselves, but also they never wore out! They had in effect constant life! But a factor that had been overlooked by the Time Lords was that brains were developing as well and they had the ability to think. That is brain power outside the need to exist. And one group in particular were astonishing; they knew who they were, and they could communicate!


Then God said,

’Let us make man - someone like ourselves, to be master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.’

So God made man like his Maker.

Like God did God make man; Man and maid did he make them.


And God blessed them and told them,

’ Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; you are masters of the fish and the birds and all the animals.'


For the bible reader.


There is a slight problem, at verse 27 God creates male and female, and then again in Chapter 2, verse 22, he creates woman again. Notice also that man is as God in form. I leave you to ponder on that!


The serpent was the craftiest of all creatures that the Lord God had made and after some discourse it convinced Eve that she could eat the forbidden fruit. Both Adam and Eve were then aware of their sexuality. When The Lord God found out he cursed them both to a life of misery!


So the earth, for that is what it must now be called, was populated with wondrous forms, whose main task was to exist, largely by eating one another, this then formed a battle for existence, and who knew where it would end. Out of it came man. A puny form, true, but with great cunning. He found that he could combine with others and become a greater force.


Out of this greater force things developed; the first tool was discovered, putting it to use as a group meant that others could develop it. Out of this a powerful group was developing, tools were turned into weapons, communication developed into strategy to defeat others, and intelligence allowed for knowledge of things outside mere existence - a human race was formed!


The Time Lords became agitated, they had begun to realise their great mistake, here was the possibility of a form they could not control.


A thought wave was sent out to God;

'Sort It !'


Or a thought wave something like that. The Cosmic Force came too after a long period of reflection and pondered on this latest missive. He was not at all sure what the problem was, in truth he had forgotten what this was all about, when that troublesome thought probe sent out an equally terse message,


’Change a string!’


Hm, thought the Cosmic Force, that’s easy enough, and willed a change in the particle stream swinging by the outer quadrant and immediately drifted off into a cosmic reverie.


Some strange things were happening on earth, well from our point of view that is, things seem to live for ever, and strange cosmic beings started to arrive from somewhere! Since there is no such thing as time living for ever or a second had no meaning, but the result had been an exponential increase in the beings. And if their combined forces were focussed they might end up having more power than the Time Lords, and it was this is that had agitated them so.


As for the cosmic beings they would be thought of as aliens today, but again that had no meaning because at the time everything on that far distant planet was alien, even to the Universe!


At this time beings from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful earth women and took any they desired for their wives.


Jehovah said,


‘My spirit must not forever be disgraced in man, wholly evil as he is. I will give him 120 years to mend his ways.’


In those days when the evil beings from the spirit world were sexually in involved with human women their children became giants, of whom many legends are told.


When God saw the extent of human wickedness he was sorry that he had made them. It broke his heart.


And he then said, 'I will blot them out!'