God's Creation
Chapter Two
For the reader
For those not familiar with the mysteries of life an explanation is necessary over the impossibility of life starting and the immense problem God faced. Because of what we are and how we view the world it is impossible for us to understand that we are the outcome of infinitesimally small tools that can build cells. These tools need a manual and that is where DNA comes in.
Now look at it like this, the tools are in place the manual is open, the tools will build whatever the DNA code directs, but before that something else must happen; you need to string together a long line of tiny particles in a very precise way to produce the beginning of a life organism. In order to build complex structures you need millions of these strings. In simple terms you have a huge drum of wriggling worms and you want a leaf, open the manual at leaf and the tools will swing into action assembling the worms into a leaf.
Unfortunately it is somewhat hit and miss, but once going there seems to be no stopping it. Their strength is that they are without intelligence, they are programmed to work no matter how long it takes or whatever obstacles are in the way they will busy themselves into action. The human race, and all animal and vegetable life could be wiped out and the tools will still work merrily away building cells.
Whilst the outcome of their work seems to have developed by what is called natural selection, there has been no change to the strings of life and the building tools themselves. They remain as first invented, and are the most mysterious and complexly powerful things in the universe. So how did God set the ball rolling - well in a way that’s exactly what happened.
As gods go God was not very smart, he ( for your sakes I will refer to God as he) was a cosmic force and they have been around for ever, and as such did not have to do very much, they just occupied space, and in a lazy sort of way just directed particle and force fields through their cosmic space.The development of the material universe was of little concern to them since it was so infinitesimal in an infinite universe.
What God had, but did not know it, was will. He was not aware of it but he could will anything, he could close the Universe down, at least in his area, just by willing it. Don’t run away with the idea that this is easy, it is virtually impossible, nearly; but willing life, well that took no effort at all, provided you knew you could and how to do it.
Then God said,
‘Let there be light.’
And light appeared.
God was pleased with it, and divided the light from the darkness.
God came too from his cosmic slumber and felt that there had been a change somewhere, a bit like having an itch on your foot. He kind of groaned to himself, OK, so a molecule had split and reproduced, so what, that happened in those pesky little stars all the time.
A thought probe entered his cosmic space,
’Will some random order.’
It then shut down instantly.
He considered this for some time, well for an eon or two, he rather liked it, it appealed to his ego. Well this is easy he concluded, and willed some passing particle streams to order themselves into the same string pattern as they passed through his cosmic space to that obscure planet. And so it started.
It can be likened to a coin running down a shoot, as it turned the circumference repeated itself over and over again. This bombarded the lonely planet, but what God had not realised was that the thousands of particle streams passing through his cosmic space adopted a different random order directed to the planet. And so in his rather bumbling way had set the wheels of chance in motion that could just, just, produce life. At least its beginning.
The watching Time Lords were impressed by this, but were more troubled by the random thought probe.
Chance is a strange thing, as any gambler will tell you. One million to one means that in a mathematical sense it will never happen to you, but it is likely to happen to someone in the million, and it does, so everybody believes in chance. The real problem starts when chance is influenced by other events or forces, things then become really unpredictable but it is one of the biggest influences in life, and so it was at the beginning!
The streams of particles hitting the star system in that remote corner of the universes were now ordered into repeated strings, as such they were nothing, but, coming into contact with a splitting cell they formed the beginning of the code necessary to build the blocks of life itself. The influence on chance came from one of position, one rotating mass circling the class 6 star was at the precise position to receive its light and radiant particles in a beneficial manner. And this was the nudge that influenced chance to produce that one in a million shot.
Now chance in the Universe is not a mathematical thing. The Universe is always in a state of flux, and so events come and go like waves on a beach, they look predictable but they always catch you out. And so it was just a case of waiting for the right wave, so to speak, and God had plenty of time for that! In the end it was down to simple chemical reactions, not in a simple sense but in the grand scale of the cosmos. Simple they may be but they rage on continuously.
So it was not a single shot, it was a blunderbuss, the flux of the universe carried this tumult of reaction to this unstable mass circling the sun. The elements were there in abundance, the chemical reaction writhed and broke down and started again in a seemingly disordered manner, when in that maelstrom two simple actions occurred; amino acid was formed and they were ordered by the particle streams to form up and make proteins! And life started! God, meanwhile, was the equivalent of being asleep!