The Beginning

God's Creation


Chapter 1



When God began creating the heavens and the earth the earth was at first a shapeless chaotic mess with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapours. 


A tremor ran through the cosmic universe, as though a thought wave had rippled space. It would have been detected only by those with extremely sensitive instruments and alert for such occurrences. But it unsettled some and there were immediate thought probes sent out to investigate. It was, in its way, a wake up call for God.


The Time Lords rarely interfered with the way the universe is governed, but they were concerned that this particular deity was getting too slothful for its own good and had decided to give it a test. The probes waited, they were uncertain as to what it was all about but a thought wave from the Time Lords was something to take notice of since they rarely stirred themselves over cosmic matters. The universe waited and they were not disappointed.


The ethereal spirit of God stirred uneasily, it had felt the thought wave and waited for the next jolt - it was not long incoming.


’You are to create the living in delta quadrant 42 twenty-six.’


The spirit writhed, but a thought of pleasure surfaced, it would be able to play creator. Other thought probes heard, or to be more exact felt the message, and considered it trivial and, all except one, closed their antennas down and went about their business of controlling the universe. The ethereal spirit considered the delta quadrant - where to start?


This was not a trivial task but it might as well be made as simple as possible by choosing a suitable star system. The major system was a flat disc system that was swirling round on the edge of the quadrant that had been formed long enough to contain a suitable star system. But where to choose depended on the type of life system created. This might take some experimentation.


Life as such was unknown, indeed it was uncertain what it was, unstructured thought roamed the vastness of the universe transmitting across the stream of energy pulses that made the universe what it was and there was no need for entity.


A thought probe nudged the erstwhile creator,

’Create a thought wave container.’


God, we might as well accept that identifier, was not sure what this meant, strange how the cosmic forces can have so little imagination, but on the other hand it was the first time that a cosmic force had been forced to think, so to speak.


‘A thought wave container’ nudged the probe again, ‘in a neurological network.


‘Ah', breathed God, not admitting to not knowing what that was, this is going to be tiresome, lets see what have I got to hand. He shut down and went in to deep cosmic thought, the equivalent of a dream.


Space and time are really one and the same thing and so endless space gives endless time and that is what it took to come to a simple solution; a suitable particle had to seed another particle so that it created self sustainable change and hopefully growth.


Well this was going on all the time in the universe, it was essential to the concept of space so where was this ‘neurological’ ingredient to come from?


God came too from his cosmic reverie with that thought troubling him. He had concluded it was impossible, it had never been done before, there was no evidence he could draw on, the Universe was essentially dead, well he didn’t think of it like that, but it amounted to the same thing.


’You need genetic exemplifiers,’ the thought probe whispered its silent message across space.


This caused something of a stir, it ruffled some one's feathers, so to speak, space actually moved a fraction as a powerful wave disturbed its equanimity.


’Who knows this?’


The probe closed down instantly, and space was left to contemplate this new question. God had heard enough and was getting the equivalent of a cosmic headache so he retreated into a cosmic sleep and let his antennas ride the space force streams and monitor their field activity. But before closing down completely he directed particle streams to bombard his chosen solar system in the hope of splitting another particle that would continue to split, in other words molecular fusion.


Whilst God was in his cosmic slumbers a remarkable event took place, a selenium crystal reproduced itself. Now the chance of this happening is infinite, in other words impossible, and eons later it happened again, to make the chance of this happening even more impossible it happened on a remote planet circling a class 2 star.


The random particle streams had hit the jackpot so to speak, well more like an needle in a haystack. Now selenium in itself is unremarkable but carries within it a subatomic structure that has to be arranged in a specific manner, otherwise it becomes another element, but the structure is so tightly held together it cannot be split but when the particle struck it was forced apart and would have sprung back together, when in that nano second it picked up an electron from the particle which satisfied its structure and became two selenium molecules.


A code had reproduced itself and so the seed of life was formed. But there was a long way to go yet.