God's Creation
Chapter Seven
Dear reader, we see here the formation of a religious sect that was to have great influence, but it was high jacked by the Romans and so the mighty Roman Catholic church came in to being. It was the equivalent of what came to be known as the ‘Thought Police’ and so controlled the people through fear of the unknown and the threat of being thrown in to the pit of endless fire. Finally other preachers broke away and other religious sects were born. But in the East trouble was brewing.
A holy man heard the word of God and it was recorded in a mighty book and this became the basis for another religion dedicated to convert the peoples of the world. From this great conflicts were born.
Deep in the Vatican, in cellars known only to the trusted keepers of the word lies the hidden library of writings from the time of Jesus that do not fit with the declared word of the Roman Catholic church, humorously known as nuda verities, the naked truth! An Archbishop is entrusted to guard its secrets for his whole life and then it is handed on to another trusted father. These are invisible bishops, they are never seen at any gathering, but they act as guardians of the faith.
Woe betide any priest who runs contrary to the edicts from the Pope, they will soon be visited by the 'thought police' who will put them right. From time to time this might have included some physical persuasion. This delighted the devil no end. It is rumoured that there were other gospels written at the time of the four included in the holy bible. These are considered blasphemous, and yet they are studied closely. Too close for some.
Years spent down in the cellars studying forbidden works have affected the brains of more than one bishop. They show crazy symptoms, and towards the end of their tenure can be seen mumbling to themselves as they make thier way about the hidden labyrinths of the Vatican. They are only comforted by their superiors with the Italian phrase ’qualche volta e virtu facare il vero‘. And what is this truth? The book in question is called ’Relato Refero’ .
It purports to tell the true life of the Prophet. In simple terms the whole thing was a con. He was not born of a virgin, he did not face the devil, his miracles were only the tricks of a magician, and many of his sayings and proclamations can be interpreted in a totally different way. He expected to ascend into the heaven of the mighty kings of temporal life. And yet he was crucified and lived. The work of the Devil perhaps.
The library also holds the notes of Pontius Pilate on the subject, which a reading of the bible says he was surprised that the Profit was not dead after ten hours on the cross. Pontius, it seems, was a worthy man, he saw no evil in Jesus and did not want to crucify him, and in one version of the gospels says,
’I wash my hands of this, do as you will.’
In another he orders the crucifixion. However it was recorded by some that Jesus did not die and was lead away, and assumed another life. Some conclude that it was the wrong man that Judas kissed to identify the Messiah so that his captors could take him away. Jesus, prophet, or the son of God, lived a short but influential life.
All of this was of no consequence to the cosmic forces only in as much that the ploy to tame men had failed. They continued for centuries in their warlike ways. They seemed to glory in deception and cruelty, and yet, and yet, power came to them in thought and deed.
Great philosophers considered the meaning of life, great engineers constructed wonders mechanics and structures, scientists were close to discovering the meaning of life, and yet the people were so inward looking. They should have looked to the stars. Although eons of time would pass, the end was nie. Who would save it.
The time Lords were concerned with the implosion of the galaxies, that man had termed black holes because their gravitational pull was so great no light could escape. Where there is nothing there is nothing! Maybe these mortals could save the universe. They sent a mighty prod to the cosmic force that rippled space .
It caused storms and earthquakes on the planet earth and the people went about in mighty dread. Maybe the scriptures were about be fulfilled. At the resurrection both the quick and the dead will be judged.
There will a mighty thunderbolt that will consume the earth and only the faithful will be saved. They will sit on the right hand of the Lord, the sinners will be cast out into the wilderness, even into the pits of hell to burn for ever. War and conflict had brought about the race to the stars. Well to minor planet that encircled the earth. But there was a thirst to find other intelligence in space and probes were sent out.
The cosmic force was prompted to promote this and enabled the great engines of space to be envisaged. The probes set off, one in particular.
Voyager 1:
Voyager 1 is still operational, making it the longest-lasting mission of the U.S (NASA) It is the farthest human-made object from earth, travelling away from both the earth and the sun at a relatively faster speed than any other probe.
Voyager 1 has achieved solar escape velocity meaning that its trajectory will not return it to the solar system. It is on its way to the emptiness of space.
The Finale
Exploration of space by telescope, visual, infra red, or radio waves is a tedious business. Although discoveries are reported in the popular press as precise, even glamorous, and where possible a catastrophic event. But in truth much has to be interpreted.
There is no colour and certainly no music.
Photographic plates have to be studied with precision, requiring great patience. And is difficult to keep track of changes.
On Lunar station, Omega, a young graduate was studying the red shift of planetary system E642.
This was in the outer reaches of space.On the airless moon she was latched into a 500 metre reception array stationed half light year away. This meant that she was looking at sightings that took a half year to reach her.
It had been thought for a long time that the universe had appeared from nowhere in an instance less than time itself and it had somehow spread across space developing the galaxies as it went.
Great mathematical studies had been made to prove this, and they had made the mistake of assuming something then trying to fit the theory to it. Its weakness was that space would have had to have appeared at the same time.
Where there is nothing there is nothing.
However it comforted some because it fulfilled the God theme of creation, it brought together science and religion in a neat package.
The graduates observation was routine. In a way she was idling away time before her shift changed, when she noted something odd in the red shift. She could have sworn that it was further along the spectrum yesterday. She logged it and went to bed to dream the dreamless sleep of the lunar staff. It had this odd affect on them, their waking world became dream like.
Had she been more alert she would have suspected that the earth and its planets was moving towards a distant galaxy instead of away.
On earth there was a minor shift. At a certain land masses the tide came up imperceptively higher than usual. A single cosmic probe noticed this, and with might be seem as some urgency, alerted the cosmic force. God’s wrath was about to be to be visited on the sinners. A cataclysmic event was about to take place. The black holes had taken over.
Stars whirled faster and faster about the centres of the their galaxies before being sucked in to nothing. It gathered apace. The earth people and all life had been wiped out by flood and fire. It was relentless, there was no escape. The heavens were not on fire as the bible predicted, they turned black as coal as galaxy after galaxy disappeared.
The earth now a mass of fire consumed by its own sun was snuffed out in an instant. Finally there was nothing. The Time Lords feared for their very existence, based on the existence of space as it was. Where there is nothing there is nothing.
When all was gone there was utter blackness and space was about to disappear the tiniest particle continued on its uncharted journey, so small in mass that it was not drawn into ‘no existence‘.
Space was redrawn to encase Voyager 1. The Universe was saved.
The time lords gloried in the species that they had inadvertently created.
And so creation began again.
Glory be to God. Amen.