God's Creation


Chapter Three


The universe is a strange place, much thought, and dubious mathematics has been spent on its beginnings; appearing from nothing is a popular concept, but how that is supported by simple mass energy theorem is anybodies guess, what is far more mysterious is space itself.


To those with object magnifiers and colour shift identifiers it appears that the mass of the universe is expanding, and is concluded racing away from a single spot. That theory neatly disregards space; is space stationary through which the masses are expanding, or is space expanding at the same time?


The truth is simple but incomprehensible; space is just a concept and it expands, or indeed contracts, in direct proportion to our observation of it. We only know its there by observing the masses in it! God didn’t know this either, but it plays an important part in the development of life.




A thought wave of some magnitude swept through the universe. God stirred, the thought wave probing his sector needed responding to, he knew the source.


‘You have done enough!’


God was puzzled by this, he was not aware that he had done anything. His sensors did not detect anything remarkable, but clearly something was troubling the Time Lords. He was aware of a thought probe that simply whispered in his ear, so to speak. It sounded like a long satisfied sigh, almost caressing, it slid its way through the ethereal world of God and kind of tickled his fancy.


’More than enough,’ it whispered,

’The Universe is yours.’


A seed that would have terrible consequences had been sown in more ways than one; God became ambitious and played creator! He, nor anybody else for that matter, knew that it could not be stopped! The Universe wound on in it’s own way oblivious to the simple life evolving on that remote and unseen planet.


And God said ,

‘Let the vapours separate to form the sky and the oceans.’

Then God said,

’Let the oceans gather into oceans so that dry land will emerge.’

He then said ,

’Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed bearing plant, and with fruit trees with seeds inside the fruit, so that the seeds will produce the kinds of plant they came from.’

And so it was, and God was pleased.



And so it was: out in that unlimitless space a star system had been born and the start of life was evolving. Unknown substances were coming together to create others - it is impossible to comprehend the deep mystery because in truth there was no mystery, things were as they were, as they had been for ever, and as they will always be, they were simply coming together differently.


Eons passed, the first substances important to God's vanity were formed.


Remember our wriggling worms, as powerful as they are they need a substance in which to form, and low and behold a strange thing happened! Two gaseous substances came together and formed a liquid, which in truth should have been solid, it would support life. Those strings could set to work making DNA, the code of life. And so it was.


There was a grass, first in the sea and then on land, and then the first step on a miraculous road, a plant that could reproduce itself from its own seed.


Fantastic, but I hope you can see the danger, it was the first step in uncontrolled reproduction.


The Time Lords pondered this!


The God said,

’ Let the waters teem with fish and other life.’


The next step took for ever. A form evolved that had life - that is to say that it could move freely on its own, it was not tied to the sea bed. And, wonder on wonder, not only could it reproduce but it could learn, it had a brain! It couldn’t think, but it had no need at that primitive stage, to survive was enough, and sadly, it didn’t matter if they were swept away the strings were always working and life could start again - this was a foretaste of what was to come.



The next step was even longer in coming, but in the universe it was as a day, well not quite, but it made no difference, nobody was in any hurry, well since there wasn’t anybody there wasn’t actually any time to worry about.


Note to the reader.


Sorry to be so confusing in the use of English to try and convey nothing. Remember this and it might be easier - There is no intelligence in the universe - cosmic forces only, which have no known purpose!


Now here was an extraordinary piece of luck, it so happened that the one of the substances that made up the liquid also made up a vapour, so the life in liquid could also live outside it! And so it was. In one of those silly accidents of cosmic events a liquid living form moved into the vapour and survived. And so there were forms that could breath in the vapour and develop on land!


The Time Lords watched on with a feeling of helplessness, but one little thought probe was well pleased!


And God said,

‘Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal - cattle and reptiles and wildlife of every kind.’


And so it was. And God was well pleased with what he had done.